Chapter 51
3.22.2020 7:56pm Sunday 1. There is an urgency to these times. Everything hangs in the balance. There is no guarantee that our plan will work….
3.22.2020 7:56pm Sunday 1. There is an urgency to these times. Everything hangs in the balance. There is no guarantee that our plan will work….
3.23.2020 7:53am Monday 1. The complicated nature of the human/spirit situation on earth is not limited to just the boundaries of the earth. Duality plays…
3.23.2020 2:42pm Monday 1. Saying goodbye to your old self isn’t easy. It’s as comfortable as an old blanket. It is what you’re used to….
3.23.2020 7:28pm Monday 1. It is not business as usual. Don’t just read your spiritual books and pretend like everything is fine. The old is…
3.25.2020 3:08pm Wednesday 1. To begin again is to be fresh in each moment, free of the clouds and weeds of the past. We have…
3.30.2020 8:37pm Monday 1. Are you willing to leave everything behind? What if we told you that your services were required elsewhere; a different town,…
3.31.2020 3:35pm Tuesday 1. We greet those who leave your world when they arrive on this side of the veil. Some choose to stay close…
4.6.2020 10:17am Monday 1. We have an organizational plan now that is loose enough to allow for creativity but structured enough to allow everyone to…
4.7.2020 9:41am Tuesday 1. Why does the earth mean so much to us? It was originally intended to be a paradise, a place of unparalleled…
7:14:2020 3:36pm Tuesday 1. Souls do not accumulate karmic debts because they don’t act against their own nature. You are a soul and not a…