Chapter 44
3.19.2020 2:07pm Thursday 1. Instantaneous blessings await those who come within your sphere of influence, which is greater than many of you may realize. The…
3.19.2020 2:07pm Thursday 1. Instantaneous blessings await those who come within your sphere of influence, which is greater than many of you may realize. The…
3.24.2020 7:43pm Tuesday 1. Most behind the scenes players enjoy being free of their oftentimes diseased, frail, elderly and wounded bodies. For the most part,…
Photo credit Miki De Goodaboom 6:29:2020 3:03pm Monday 1. When you minister to another aspect of God, ask for miracles and then simply say “What…
Photo Credit Beth Ann Skeen 7:13:2020 2:33pm Monday 1. Souls have evolved from just activating human forms and having very little influence over the human…
8:9:2020 4:00pm Sunday 1. Believe it or not, a soul only wants influence over a character’s life. It only wants the very best outcomes. Outcomes…