3.17.2020 3:49am Tuesday
1. Be as gentle as a lamb with new initiates. Demonstrate the fruits of spirit – health, joy, and abundance. Help them to see the content of what troubles the world and what may be troubling them personally. Help them to discover their true identity, and that all pain and suffering comes from false human identification. Be cautious about using the illusion analogy. It can throw people off course. The illusion is that we are not who we think we are. The illusion is not that we are having a hallucination. The effects of the illusion have built the world with the building blocks of pain and suffering.
2. As the world’s systems collapse, people will question if there is any truth in the world at all. Show them that there is. Show them that you are the truth – a walking, talking, individualized version of it. And that the truth wants to be reflected in them as well, when their ideas about themselves have taken a back seat.
3. The same atonement process that you went through has to occur with new initiates. They too, have to demonstrate a little willingness for us to work with them, whether it is through texts or through you personally. This process of letting go can be a painful one and full of distress. Be a good listener and short on advice. Which is simply to follow your heart in all things and to go in the direction life is taking you.
4. When you ask someone “why do you do that?” and the answer is anything other than “because it brings me peace and joy”, then you know that you have tapped into human identity, attachments and role playing. Things that are definitely not freeing and are definitely not fruits of spirit. Gently point these out, if given the opportunity.
End Time: 4:32am 3.17.2020