3.14.2020 12:14am Saturday
1. The electric age ushered in a wave of new and increasingly sophisticated technology to make life and communication easier. This is now the gilded age. A time where the unknown becomes known. A time where the content becomes more important than the form. The physical will take a backseat to the energy that actually propels form. The soul will be the star of this new gilded age.
2. No one here has actually seen a soul but they will. The soul’s great light is becoming visible in a few. This is pure source energy. It has taken millions of years for this to finally occur here. Some tiny soul seedlings have become mature, against all odds, against the will of the flesh.
3. When a less mature soul experiences the power of the fully mature soul, by being in its presence, it will know what to do. It will be informed, and then it will inform and plug into this spiritual web we are building.
4. Each of you have teamed up with me to create this new network, this new phenomenon. The elevated self of form has joined with other elevated self of forms to create a union of God and man, so powerful that less mature beings will quiver at its feet.
End Time: 12:43am 3.14.2020