Are you choosing love over fear as the ultimate creative act?

Chapter 18

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2.25.2020 2:59am Tuesday

1. In the beginning was just untapped potential. Creativity was usurped by the human operating system. Much like a computer operating system gone awry, filled with viruses of every type. The anti-virus software is for humans to return to their true nature and learn to choose that. Until over time, it is strong enough to take control from the virus riddled system. It’s much more difficult than simply downloading the software by pushing a button, as you would on a computer.

2. The act of doing this replacement of choosing love over fear is the ultimate creative act. This has been accomplished in each of you due to your willingness and our support. I’m sure that there is not one of you who thinks this was easy, the giving up of your self to find your Self. Sometimes the awakening process can be quite challenging, difficult, and even emotionally painful. The rewards however, saw you through.

3. There was some work involved. Reading the first two installments of this trilogy and now this third one. As was applying this oftentimes esoteric knowledge in practical ways. Remember, we don’t deny that tragic events happen. We just seek to perfect our craft to the point where tragic events and the learning that takes place from them, isn’t part of our experience here any longer.

4. You are each pillars of light, role models for others to emulate. But you can’t do the work for your brothers and sisters, just like no one could do yours. It’s an individual process that can’t be forced. It’s very complicated and very delicate.

5. We celebrate each of you and are grateful for your willingness to be pioneers in the new world. We now seek to increase your numbers by leaps and bounds. It is not a political process. It can’t be mandated and legislated. The stakes are high.

End Time: 3:36am 2.25.2020