Are you ready to be part of the solution?

Chapter 70

Listen/download Chapter 70

3.29.2020 8:43pm Sunday

1. Stand up and be counted. Be part of the solution to the problem, instead of the problem itself. Shout this from the rooftops. There is something very real inside all bodies, all forms. The eternal soul wants to claim dominion on the earth after being shut out for millions of years.

2. A human body being consciously driven by a soul will produce very different effects than one being driven by ego. Show your love and consideration for all of creation and be patient with your sisters and brothers. They don’t know what they do, to quote the Bible again. It really isn’t their fault that they think and behave as they do. Show them that there really is a different way by simply living the new way, the way of Mary. When called to action, show others the way of Jesus, in a way and manner that only you can do.

End Time: 9:01pm 3.29.2020